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  • What can I buy from United States?
    Wings Global Shopper members can order CDs, DVDs, clothing, electronics or anything you can find at online stores and shops.

    In order to reduce the shipping costs you can consolidate your shipments and order shipment whenever you like. Vitamins, dietary supplements, cosmetics, grocery products, cell phones, binoculars, radar, sensor, cash, currency, checks, bonds, jewelry, cigarettes and alcohol are not allowed to be shipped via express cargo into Turkey as per Turkish Customs regulations for express shipping dated 19.04.2011. Shipping chemicals, flammable, explosive and/or sharp items, weapons, goods for reselling are strictly prohibited on Wings Global Shopper. According to international shipping regulations, it is not possible to ship hover-board and lithium batteries over 500g by express shipping. We can ship your packages that contain batteries via USPS (normal postal service). Kindly be informed that for supplements, over the counter medicines and other prescription drugs, you should obtain a prescription from a public hospital or a public clinic to send these items to your address in Turkey . For more information please call our Call Center at 0212 296 05 02..
  • Who will handle customs procedures for my shipments?
    For all items, books, printed publication and magazines under value 150 EUR customs duty is not applicable.Customs taxes and duties to be paid for your shipments are specified after the customs control. The fee you pay during your order, will be used to pay these taxes and duties.

    If the taxes to be determined after the transactions are different, our member services team will contact you. For futher information, please contact our member services team at 0212 232 33 97.
  • How long does the shipment take?
    Your shipments are shipped within 24 hours of your "Ship Now" order. You will typically receive your packages in 3-4 business days. You can track your shipments both in U.S. and your country through our online tracking system.
  • Do I have to get a new U.S. Address every time I order something?
    For us to better track your shipments, you should take an address from your account each time you place an order which includes a new shipping ID for your shipment. Shipping ID will be automatically added to your address for your convenience. Just copy and paste your new address with the shipping ID as your new address for your orders.
  • Can I consolidate my shipments to save on shipping charges
    Yes. Wings Global Shopper stores members' packages for 75 days for free. Package storage period can not exceed 75 days. At the end of 75 days, 3 storage notices will be sent to the customer via e-mail and SMS. The packages stored for more than 75 days will be disposed 10 working days after the first notice with a disposal notification.
  • Can you repack my packages to save on shipping costs?
    Yes. We can repack your overly packed packages to optimize shipping costs. This way you can consolidate or rearrange your multiple packages into one or more packages.
  • What if retailers send me catalogs and promotional mails?
    If retailers send you catalogs and promotional mail without your knowledge, we will notify you with e-mail and if you wish to receive these catalogs or promotional mail, we will send them to you with your next shipment.
  • Can I return the items I purchased?
    Yes . Simply contact the retailer you have purchased the item from for all exchanges and returns. You can use your U.S. address to receive your refund checks. Item exchanges and returns are between you and the retailer and Wings Global Shopper does not take any responsibility for these transactions.
  • Some shopping sites do not take Credit Cards issued from banks outside U.S., what can I do?
    You can try to change your credit card billing address with your new U.S. address. Most shopping sites match your shipping address to your credit card billing address, so they should be the same.
  • How can I shop online from the websites those do not accept international credit cards issued outside of U.S.?
    You can always use ‘Buy For Me’ service to shop online from the merchants those do not accept international credit cards issued outside of U.S.? This service is provided as a solution for you to enjoy shopping from all the websites you wish to make purchases. Wings Global Shopper Shopping Experts are making online purchases on behalf of you under this service. You can enter the links and details of the items you wish to purchase and make your payment through ‘Buy For Me’ form listed under the ‘Buy For Me’ page on Wings Global Shopper menu to use this service.
  • Do you provide optional insurance coverage for my shipments?
    You can buy insurance coverage for your shipments from DHL, TNT and ShipZip. All of your shipments are insured up to $100 for loss and damages by DHL, TNT and ShipZip. If your package is lost or damaged, DHL, TNT and ShipZip Customer Service will start an investigation and compensate your loss for up to $100. If your package's declared value exceeds $100, DHL, TNT and ShipZip insurance costs will be calculated as follows: For packages with a declared value of $100-$1500, insurance cost is $15 For packages with a declared value of more than $1500, insurance cost is 1% of the declared amount.
  • Can I order from countries other than U.S.?
    Yes. You can order from all countries that ship to U.S. Please keep in mind that you may incur customs and duty charges for shipments entering U.S. from other countries.