Wings Global Shopper is an unique online shopping experience exclusive to Akbank Wings credit cards.

Wings Global Shopper now brings U.S. shopping to your doorstep. You can't find your favourite merchandise in Turkey? Turkish prices are much higher than in the U.S.? Now you can conveniently order online from any of America's finest merchants and get the best deal! Finally, you can enjoy your favourite books, music, movies or hard-to-find branded fashion items without having to cross the Atlantic!

Wings Global Shopper offers an easy, hassle-free shopping experience. All U.S. online shops will ship goods to your new mailbox address in New Jersey. Your favourite online U.S store does not accept Turkish credit cards? Simply use our concierge service: we'll order and pay the goods for you, and will bill your Akbank Wings credit card later.

Wings Global Shopper has fast, inexpensive and reliable delivery service to ship your favourite brands and goods to your home address in Turkey. You want to save on shipping rates? Simply store your purchases in your U.S. mailbox for up to one month for free and consolidate your deliveries from different stores into one to reduce the shipping costs even more.

Wings Global Shopper is provided by LEGRIN LLC